With the timber industry finding new applications for wood chips, previously burned as waste, the railroad industry swiftly developed economical transport methods. By adding extension boards to standard 70-ton coal hoppers, many railroads could accommodate this new type of cargo. Some railroads opted for flat-side extensions made from steel or a composite of steel and plywood, while others chose rib-sided extensions.




Bangor & Aroostook


Boston & Maine

In New England, from the 1950s to the 1970s, the “Woodsville hoppers” were a common sight in the B&M system. These were essentially 70-ton B&M hopper cars slightly modified for wood chip service and based out of Woodsville, NH. They could be seen everywhere, from Portland on the Maine Central system to southern Connecticut on the New Haven Railroad.

Lorden Lumber in Milford, NH. Outbound loaded woodchip cars were shipped to a paper mill in Berlin, NH.
Woodsville N.H.

Maine Central

MEC 55537/55540 – https://scontent.fsou1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/138632423_248852539969634_2914548435560135797_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=2TsHoAxNH4oQ7kNvgEI1ICy&_nc_ht=scontent.fsou1-1.fna&oh=00_AYB1MiejaXT1IATIWaM9bPK1fGM4mtVErdoOzaTLnK5eOQ&oe=66805C44

57000-57017 (18)50ft 7in12ft 6inJan 1939Open Top Box – Extended SidesGreen with yellow lettersConverted from 9000-9049 series 1966
56050-56052 (3)40ft 7in12ft 6inJan 1932Open Top, 8ft Door – Extended SidesConverted from 5000-6003 series, 1966
56001-56005 (5)40ft 6in9ft 0inJan 1932Open Top, 8ft DoorConverted from 36000-36300 series, 1963
55500-55561 (62)40ft 5in12ft 6inJan 1944Open Top Box, Extended sidesMaine Central Pine Green4000, 5000, 14000 series, 1964
1896-1899 (4)40ft 8in13ft 0inJan 19323 Bay Hopper, Extended sidesPurchased from BAR 1960
1890-1893 (4)41ft 3in13ft 2inJan 19324 Bay Hopper, Extended sides in woodConverted from 3500-3504, 1963
118-122 (5)40ft 8in13ft 0inJan 1956PTM Tripple Hopper, steel extended sides and ends. 4800 cu. ft. capacityBlack with yellow lettersConverted 1962
101-117 (17)40ft 8in13ft 0inJan 1956PTM Tripple Hopper, wood extended sides and ends. 4800 cu. ft. capacityBlack with yellow lettersConverted 1962